Friday, October 11, 2024

ayurveda and cancer

 Ayurveda, the oldest Indian indigenous medicine system of plant drugs is known from very early times for preventing or suppressing various tumors using these natural drugs. And nowadays scientists are keener to research complementary and alternative medicine for the management of cancer. In Ayurvedic concept, according to ‘Charaka’ and ‘Sushruta Samhitas’ cancer is described as inflammatory or non-inflammatory swelling and mentioned either as ‘Granthi’ (minor neoplasm) or ‘Arbuda‘ (major neoplasm). The nervous system (Vata or air), the venous system (Pitta or fire), and the arterial system (Kapha or water) are three basics of Ayurveda and are very important for normal body function. In malignant tumors, all three systems get out of control (Tridoshas) and lose mutual coordination causing tissue damage and resulting in critical conditions. Tridoshas cause excessive metabolic crises resulting in proliferation.

Which dosha is responsible for cancer?

In Ayurvedic pathogenesis, vata is the active dosha and is involved in the process of metastasis. Kapha being heavy and gross is responsible for the abnormal growth of the cells creating the malignant tumor, and the tejas component of pitta enhances the metabolic activity of the cancerous cells.

 ayurvedic treatment for lung cancer.

1. Most cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking although people who have smoked can also develop the conditions. Smoking cigarettes is the single major risk factor for lung is responsible for more than 85% of all cases. Lung cancer is caused by a mutation in your DNA when the cell reproduces they divide and replicate forming identical cells. other chemical exposures can raise your risk of lung cancer

Some examples are arsenic cadmium-nickel compounds, coal products, and mustard as vinyl chloride.

 Symptoms for Esophagus and upper respiratory condition-

1. cough especially if it persists or becomes intense.

2. pain in the chest, shoulder, or back unrelated to pain from coughing.

3. Harsh sounds with each breath

4. coughing up blood

5. muscle wasting.

6. loss of appetite7. Recurrent lung problems such as bronchitis or pneumonia.8.General weakness.9.Neck or facial swelling 10.A headache, bone or joint pain11. General weakness

Treatment( Western medicine) of cancer includes chemotherapy surgery and radiation therapy. In addition to these standard remedies of cancer, Ayurvedic medicine is taken as a supplement to help control cancer and prevent the spread of cancer to other body parts.

Ayurvedic herbs are known to have the capability to destroy cancerous cells and kindle the healing process. The use of ayurvedic medicine will help control the tumor and improve the quality of life.

Ayurvedic Herbs are Useful for Treating  Cancer:

Curcumin –   A substance found in turmeric is an antioxidant that prevents inflammation and helps to stop the growth of new cancer cells.

Shatavari- This is rejuvenating and is used to strengthen the patient after standard treatments like chemotherapy.

Ashwagandha –  Rich in flavonoids, the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant anti-tumor properties help prevent a spread of cancer as well as kill the spread of cancer cells to cure lung cancer.

Blueberries cloves and clove extract green tea, extra virgin olive oil carrot, and mushroom help prevent cancer growth.

Mild exercise is recommended to reduce symptoms and eliminate food allergens trans fats, caffeine and refined food.

Food rich in B- vitamins, protein, and antioxidants help lessen the symptoms of lung cancer.

The medicines Kanchnaar-Guggulu and Maha-Manjisthadi-Kwada are used in very high doses to prevent the spread of tumors locally or to other 

Diet and Lifestyle in Ayurvedic Treatment of Lung Cancer:

Reduce sugar intake

Avoid smoking and alcohol

Eat plenty of fruits vegetables and whole grain

Panchakarma therapy is beneficial in cancer

Eat a diet that is rich in natural cancer-fighting and helpful in boosting.

Classical Ayurvedic Treatment of Lung Cancer:

Lakshmi vilas ras,Drakshavaleha,Vasa Avleha,Talisadi Churna,Sitopaladi churna

Kachnaar Guggal.

Sitopaladi Churna is a classical ayurvedic herbal supplement beneficial in a variety of diseases relating to the respiratory system, digestive system, and immune system. Most commonly, it is used as a base for several remedies beneficial in respiratory diseases. The main function of Sitopaladi Churna is the restoration of natural functions of the respiratory, digestive, immune, and several other systems of the body. The main action appears in respiratory troubles. It can work alone in the management of cough, chronic fevers, and debility after chronic diseases.

Talisadi Churna benefits: It is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, vomiting, side and chest aches, anemia, spleen diseases. It is used to control wheezing due to asthma or allergy.

Kanchnar Guggulu is a traditional classic polyherbal formulation used for the treatment of tumors, cystic swelling, and ulcers. It reduces swellings and lumps by drying the excess Kapha and fluid in the body. It contains ingredients which show anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, diuretic, and decongestant properties that help to promote healthy function of the body

Kanchnar Guggulu is widely used by Ayurvedic experts for normalizing the function of the thyroid gland. Detoxifying and cleansing properties of Guggulu are combined with Kanchnar to support the healthy function of the thyroid. It also helps to cleanse the lymphatic system (a network of tissues and organs that help to remove toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials from the body).


Fresh ginger kindles the agni. Take a thin slice of fresh ginger with a squeeze of lime juice and a pinch of salt before a meal. Cook food with small amounts of fresh ginger.

Avoid drinking excess water during or after meals. Take 8 to 12 oz warm water, agni tea, cumin, coriander, and fennel (CCF) tea, or ginger tea (recipes follow) with the meal. It is acceptable to take a sip of the tea between bites of food. Satisfy your thirst an hour after the meal with warm tea or warm water.

Always avoid iced food and beverages. Ice extinguishes the agni.

Take ½ cup warm water then a short (10-minute) nap lying on the left side before the meal. This will help to kindle the agni and create an appetite.

Eat with awareness. Notice the taste and color of the food. Avoid reading, watching television, or computer work while eating. When you eat, only eat. The conversation should be pleasant and calm. Food should be fresh and colorful.

If energy allows, taking a short walk between meals can help kindle the Agni and improve appetite.

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ayurveda and cancer

  Ayurveda, the oldest Indian indigenous medicine system of plant drugs is known from very early times for preventing or suppressing various...